The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is developing a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for the Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows precinct. This outlines the layout of roads, shopping centres, public transport corridors and other key infrastructure for new communities.

As part of the VPA’s process, Melbourne Water has prepared a draft concept drainage strategy for future urban development within these areas. This is an engineering plan that identifies the infrastructure and assets needed to meet current standards for flood protection, water quality, waterway health and amenity.

It also informs:

  • land requirements for drainage and waterways within the PSP
  • financial contributions from developers to fund this infrastructure, which are determined at a later stage
  • broader drainage strategies, known as Development Services Schemes (DSSs), for the catchments containing the precincts.
Learn more about the urban planning process:

The Victorian Planning Authority prepares PSPs, which are land use and infrastructure plans that guide the development of an area over time. A PSP sets out the preferred locations of residential and employment land and infrastructure, and provides guidance for:

  • transport and parking
  • urban design
  • heritage and character
  • open spaces
  • integrated water management.

As part of the VPA’s planning process, Melbourne Water prepares concept drainage strategies for future urban development.

The draft concept drainage strategy:

  • is Melbourne Water’s preferred conceptual drainage approach to ensure environmental values of waterways are protected and new developments meet current standards for drainage and flood protection
  • informs the areas of the Precinct Structure Plan required for waterways and drainage infrastructure
  • does not include financial contributions, which will be determined at a later stage in the development process.

Once the Precinct Structure Plan planning phase has concluded (i.e. the PSP has been gazetted and incorporated into the Planning Scheme), the concept drainage strategy is finalised into a Development Services Scheme.

The planning and provision of new drainage infrastructure to support greenfield development within Melbourne Water’s operational boundary is usually managed using a Development Services Scheme (DSS).

A DSS comprises a drainage strategy for an area together with a pricing arrangement that allows Melbourne Water to charge developers for the cost of drainage works in connection with a development. Planning permit referrals received from councils under the Subdivision and Planning and Environment Acts are one trigger for this process.

DSSs consist of conceptual and functional designs for Melbourne Water (regional) and local council drainage assets, including works such as pipelines, overland flow paths, retarding basins, waterways, wetlands and gross pollution traps and identification of land to be set aside for these purposes.

The strategy ensures that planning for urban development is conducted on a catchment basis and meets appropriate standards for flood protection and environmental performance, including protection and enhancement of waterway and biodiversity values.

The infrastructure within the scheme is funded by financial contributions from developers or landowners when development occurs, with all developable properties contributing on the basis of land area and land zoning. Income from developer contributions is designed to equal planned expenditure of drainage infrastructure over the expected life of a development services scheme (typically 25 years).

There are currently about 150 active DSSs across Melbourne.

For more information on DSS, view our Drainage schemes explained webpage.

Developer contributions are collectable for land developed within a DSS. All funds from the charge are used to cover the cost of building the DSS drainage infrastructure. Land not zoned for urban development will not attract any drainage contributions.

The developer contribution provides:

  • a guide to the expected cost of implementing sufficient drainage infrastructure for the DSS area
  • equitable sharing of drainage infrastructure costs required for urban development of the DSS.

Melbourne Water does not make money from developer contributions. Each DSS is designed to be cost neutral over the expected life of the scheme.

The waterways and drainage charge in your water bill does not relate to the DSS. This charge is for managing the drainage network, including rivers and creeks, across Melbourne Water's operational area. The quantity of this charge is determined by Victoria's independent pricing regulator, the Essential Services Commission.

Melbourne Water is the waterway, drainage and floodplain authority for the Port Phillip and Westernport region. We work with local councils and government to ensure that appropriate drainage and stormwater management infrastructure is in place to protect people and property from flooding, and to protect our waterways and bays.

As part of the Victorian Planning Authority’s (VPA) Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) process, we have prepared a draft concept drainage strategy with the aim of ensuring there is adequate drainage infrastructure for future development.

The VPA has released, or sill soon release, its proposed PSP for Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows for public consultation. We intend to use this period and any VPA Projects Standing Advisory Committee process to consult on whether the concept drainage strategy can be further optimised.

How to provide feedback

Upon commencement of VPA’s Community Engagement and Exhibition (i.e. public consultation), feedback on the draft concept drainage strategy can be made by formal submission to the VPA. See the VPA's Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows webpage.

All submissions relating to drainage will be forwarded to Melbourne Water for review and comment. The VPA will also consider these submissions, and may refer them to their Projects Standing Advisory Committee for consideration and advice.

What happens next

After the PSP public consultation and any Standing Advisory Committee (SAC)/Panel, the following process will take place:

  1. Where acceptable, feasible, and recommended by the SAC/Panel, the concept drainage strategy assets will be updated before PSP Gazettal (where time permits)
  2. After Gazettal of the PSP, preliminary DSS contributions will be adopted
  3. Final DSS contributions will be adopted following completion of concept drainage strategy planning and landowner consultation across the remaining areas of the DSSs within the Clyde South PSP
  4. Melbourne Water will inform all affected landowners of any DSS rate updates.

Have your say

Share your feedback on the draft plans for the Casey Fields South (Employment) & Devon Meadows PSP, by making a submission to the VPA by 31 Mar 2025.

Drainage strategy and supporting documents

The drainage strategy is at concept design stage and is a draft. All technical documents were prepared by GHD, consultants engaged by Melbourne Water. If you would like a copy of the hydrology (RORB) models, hydraulic (HEC-RAS) models, or stormwater quality models (MUSIC), please submit a request using the form below.

Supplementary documents

Frequently asked questions

Assets in the PSP

The Casey Fields South (Employment) and Devon Meadows PSP has proposed a number of stormwater drainage assets. These include retarding basins, constructed wetlands, sedimentation ponds, constructed waterways, swales and underground pipes.

What are...

Design decisions

Submit an enquiry

If you have general questions about the concept drainage strategy, contact Melbourne Water using the form below. For questions about the PSP, please contact the VPA.