15 August 2022
To help shape the master plan for Greening the Pipeline Brooklyn, you shared your vision and ideas for the project area during June-August 2021. Our aim was to to better understand how you currently used the space, and what future improvements were important to meet your needs and aspirations for the reserve.
We took the feedback you provided, and along with the contributions of project partners and Traditional Owners, used it to develop Greening the Pipeline (Zone 9 Brooklyn) Master Plan. The Master Plan has now been finalised and is now available for you to view. Thank you to all stakeholders and community members who contributed.
About the Master Plan
The Master Plan aims to transforms the Brooklyn section of the Main Outfall Sewer reserve into a vibrant, green corridor that:
- Mitigates the harsh conditions of the site through increased greening, wind-rows and dust suppression via irrigation
- Encourages increased community use of the Main Outfall Sewer reserve and Kororoit Creek through enhanced landscaping, recreation opportunities and restoration works to the historic aqueduct
- Connects and expands Brooklyn’s open space network by improved path linkages and directional signage.
- Improves user safety through upgraded road crossings, increased lighting, shared path upgrades and separation
- Expresses Indigenous and European history and culture within the landscape through large-scale community artworks, interpretive signage and adaptive reuse of the Main Outfall Sewer.
Various potential options for incorporating Integrated Water Management into the masterplan have been developed to allow flexibility as the project progresses. These options will be developed through future design stages, subject to funding and partner alignment. The aim of the approach is to:
- Provide a source of water to support vegetation growth and health and to contribute to dust mitigation
- Cool the site by increasing moisture in the soil profile as well as supporting increased canopy cover
- Reduce the volume of stormwater reaching the Kororoit Creek
- Protect the heritage and value of the Main Outfall Sewer through repurpose and integration into the water story of the site.
The non-irrigated option in the plan proposes a passive approach to holding and expressing water in the landscape, using local depressions and soakaways.
The Master Plan has been divided into three precincts, overlaid by the different municipalities. Click on the icons below to read about the proposed landscape enhancements and Integrated Water Management for each precinct.
View the Master Plan
Click the icon below to download the full Master Plan document. If you need assistance accessing this document or require it in an alternate format, please email us at [email protected]
Next steps
Now that the Master Plan has been finalised and endorsed by project partners, we will be working together with our partners on how best to fund and deliver the plan. The scope and staging of the Master Plan’s implementation will be dependent on funding availability. In the meantime, planning and assessment work for Zone 9 will continue.
Engagement for the Master Plan has now been completed. When we move forward into future design stages, we will engage with the local community again, including providing input on different aspects of the project. Make sure to follow this page to be notified when this occurs.