How is drainage and flood protection funded?

Due to its significant flood risk, property owners within the Koo Wee Rup–Longwarry Flood Protection District pay a special precept charge to fund the higher level of drainage service Melbourne Water provides to the area.

This is instead of the Waterways and Drainage Charge billed to property owners across the rest of Greater Melbourne.

Our prices, including the precept rate, are reviewed and set for a period of up to five years by the Essential Services Commission – Victoria’s independent regulator. This is done through the Price Submission process, where we put forward our proposed service standards and prices informed by engagement with customers and the community.

Precept vs carrier drains

  • constructed precept drains are watercourses built to drain the district that originate from within the district. Melbourne Water maintenance includes grass cutting, desilting, weed control, and structural works that ensure the drains continue to perform as designed
  • carrier drains are larger waterways starting upstream of the district, which take water from precept drains and carry it through the area – Bunyip River, for example. Works on these waterways are also co-funded (50%) by a separate charge known as the Waterways and Drainage Charge.

Maintenance and improvement works

Each year, we invest $1.2 million maintaining precept and carrier drains, culverts, floodgates, occupational bridges, fences and flood warning systems to protect the area from flooding.