6 June 2023

The agencies will evaluate options and work together to streamline flood forecasts and warnings - one of a range of measures initiated by Melbourne Water after hearing the stories, concerns and feedback that have emerged during the Independent Review into the flood.

The implementation group will focus on bringing Greater Melbourne riverine catchments into line with the rest of Australia by transferring responsibility for riverine flood forecasts and warnings to the Bureau.

Melbourne Water would continue to provide flash flood intelligence for the urban settings to VICSES to enable streamlining of flash flood warnings into the future.

Melbourne Water has heard directly from hundreds of residents and stakeholders in flood impacted areas, through submissions to the Review and contributions to a special ‘Share your experience’ report documenting experiences of the flood.

Hundreds of members of the community also attended six drop-in information sessions between January and March.

This article was extracted from a media release published on our main website on 5 June 2023.