15 September 2023

What's happened so far?

Melbourne Water also attended and participated in the consultations, including speaking to our submission and hearing from flood affected residents.

In accordance with the Terms of Reference, once the work of the Independent Review Panel is complete, Melbourne Water will submit the Panel’s report to the Victorian Government and publicly release the report.

Key dates

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    17 January - 17 March 2023: Public consultation and submissions period

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    April 2023: Submissions publicly released and provided to Review Lead

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    May 2023: Community Shared Experiences report published, update to community on progress with review

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    May - October 2023: Review Panel considers submissions

    Review Panel considers submissions and all relevant information, conducts meetings, site visits and public consultations which were held from 17 to 21 July.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    November 2023: Anticipated public release of Review Report

Working with our partners

Together with various government agencies including VICSES and the Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Water is working on streamlining the flood warnings and alerts processes. This includes transitioning riverine flood modelling and forecasting to the Bureau of Meteorology.

Melbourne Water also works closely with councils and emergency services to help Victorians be prepared for, respond to, rebuild and recover from flooding and emergency events.

Flood recovery and support