30 April 2024
Six-month progress update
The report of the Independent Panel review into the causes of the October 2022 Maribyrnong River flood event was released in October 2023. Melbourne Water accepted all 15 of the Panel’s recommendations and has made significant progress in implementing the recommendations.
Here’s a summary of our progress in the last 6 months:
- Three Panel recommendations related to Melbourne Water’s flood modelling program are embedded as standard practice – these are related to the timeliness of how we review and update our flood models, calibrate to the most recent flood events, and factor in best practice climate change assumptions.
- Four Panel recommendations relevant to the transition of flood forecasting services from Melbourne Water to the Bureau of Meteorology, are progressing and we are continuing to work closely with the Bureau on the transition.
- Eight Panel recommendations are on track for completion.
For a detailed progress update against each of the Panel’s 15 recommendations refer to Response to Panel recommendations - 6 month progress update April 2024 document at the link below.
If you require this document in an alternate format, or would like a hard copy posted to you, please contact us at [email protected] or on 131 722.
New Maribyrnong River Flood Model
Melbourne Water has released a new Maribyrnong River Flood Model to better understand current and future flood information in the Maribyrnong River region. This new model includes both 2024 and projected 2100 flood extent scenarios.
Replacing the previous flood model, this new model uses the most up to date data about rainfall and run-off, and the physical features of the floodplain and nearby urban areas. It is also calibrated to the most recent flood event that took place in October 2022.
This model is one of the first models in Melbourne Water’s broader fast-tracked program to re-map every catchment in Melbourne with 2100 climate projections by 2026.
This new model is a significant milestone in us working together with our partners, customers, stakeholders and community to better prepare for emergency planning, community awareness and preparedness, land use planning decisions, potential flood mitigation where feasible, and other options to manage flood risk in the Maribyrnong River region.
You are invited to come along to a webinar on 21 May 2024 (6.30pm to 7.30pm) to hear from experts about the Maribyrnong River Flood Model and have your questions answered.
Sign up for the webinar and to ‘follow’ the NEW Maribyrnong River Flood Model Let’s Talk page.
Are You Flood Ready?
Register for a flood education event, delivered by Melbourne Water, VICSES and local councils. Find checklists and other guides to get flood ready.