27 June 2024

The Western Treatment Plant (WTP) continues to prepare for a growing Melbourne with construction progressing across multiple fronts. These include the Nutrient Removal Plant (NRP), Feed Pump Station and various pipelines and intake/outtake structures.

The NRP uses innovative treatment processes that need less power and carbon. This enables it to produce more biogas, which can be converted into energy to power the site.

Recent milestones include:

  • completing construction of all five tanks
  • successful hydrotesting - involving filling each tank with 34ML of groundwater to check its structural integrity
  • welcoming visitors on site to tour the innovative project with our construction partner, BMD – including RMIT students, National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) members and Australian and Australian and International water industry representatives.

In February, the Water Minister visited WTP to announce the new Resource Recovery and Re-Use Complex. This huge $711 million project will modernise the way we treat incoming sewage. Our contract partner, John Holland Group, has begun constructing the site compound and staff facilities in preparation for works delivery. We look forward to sharing progress as these works get underway.

Image: Aerial photo of Tank 4, filled with 34ML of water to check its structural integrity as part of project hydrotesting.