26 July 2024

Melbourne Water is one of nine organisations with management responsibilities for the land and waters along the Port Phillip Bay western shoreline and we have come together to form a Regional and Strategic Partnership (RASP) called Adapt West.

Adapt West will bring together community aspirations, the latest science and technical assessments to develop a long-term plan to manage our changing shorelines.

From Williamstown to Avalon, we want to hear from everyone who lives, works, plays in or has a connection to the western shoreline.

Share your thoughts by 31 August 2024 - what is important to you about the coast, your experiences of coastal change and your ideas for adapting for the future.

If you access the Western Treatment Plant part of the western shoreline for birdwatching, fishing or other activities, please note 'Western Treatment Plant' in 'Other/Special Interest' to describe one of your connections to the western shoreline.