Visit the Western Treatment Plant

There is so much to learn about the plant, so why not take a tour?

We offer a range of tours for different members of the community and invite you to learn first-hand how the plant works and to discover the scale and environmental significance of the plant.

The site is re-opening to existing birdwatchers as of 10 December 2020 but is still closed to all other visitors. You can however experience WTP from the safety and comfort of your home or classroom through guided and self guided virtual experiences.

How can I take a virtual tour?

Step through a virtual doorway to get a glimpse of the sewage treatment process using our augmented reality app or take our more in depth virtual tour of WTP to explore this fascinating site. Guided virtual excursions and webinars are also available for schools and universities.

We want to share the Western Treatment Plant with you!

A tour is a great way to:

  • Learn about life on the wetlands and visit one of Victoria's largest working farms.
  • Discover how renewable energy is created from our sewage treatment practices.
  • Participate in learning activities, including the urban water cycle model.
  • Learn about poo power: see how sewage from 1.6 million people is treated everyday.
  • Visit our wetlands, spot some birds and learn about how we manage biodiversity.
  • Learn about how we turn waste into valuable renewable energy that helps power the plant.
  • Listen to stories from indigenous Elders and visit the historic town of Cocoroc.