14 May 2020
Access update and ways to enjoy WTP from your home
COVID-19 restrictions update
Melbourne Water recognises the fundamental importance of the services we provide to our customers and the community. We are doing our part to assist in limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus and this involves changing the way we operate.
The Victorian State Government recently announced an easing of restrictions in Victoria, expanding the reasons for leaving home from 11.59pm Tuesday 12 May 2020. A renewed State of Emergency was also announced and will be in place until Sunday 31 May 2020.
As at Monday 11 May 2020, the Western Treatment Plant remains closed to visitors. This is to ensure the continued health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and the community. As a result of this temporary closure, long term birdwatching permits, short term permits and birdwatching inductions will not be available until further notice.
Up to date information can be found on our Melbourne Water website.
WTP from your home
We know our birdwatchers are missing their regular visits to the Western Treatment Plant. We also miss having you so we hope you'll enjoy this video until we can have you visit us again.
Or explore the WTP through our virtual tour featuring 360-degree views, interesting facts and videos. Discover how the site has evolved over the last century to the site it is today – it’s importance as a haven for thousands of birds is just part of the story...
Sit back and enjoy a recently filmed guided tour of the bird habitat at WTP
Discover WTP for yourself, pan across to take in the 360-degree view
Site improvement works - birdwatching route upgrade
While WTP has been closed, we have been busy and have made a number of improvements for visitors to the site. These changes improve safety, navigation and increase communications with our visitors, including the installation of:
- 45 way-finding bollards to help visitors navigate safely around the birdwatching route
- 5 information signs featuring a map and safety information
- New bird identification charts inside bird hides
- A noticeboard and screening planting at the Paradise Rd toilets
These changes are now in place and ready for when we welcome visitors back to the WTP. This project builds on earlier enhancements to the visitor experience around Lake Borrie.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or telephone 131 722.