19 March 2018

WTP Birdwatchers update

Please note duck-hunting season opens Saturday 17 March and closes Monday 11 June.

Duck hunting signs graphics

It is illegal to shoot on/over private land or to carry firearms across any privately owned land without the landowner’s consent. As the Western Treatment Plant is privately owned by Melbourne Water signage has been installed (see adjacent) in key locations for the duration of duck-hunting season to advise the public of this and that the site is listed as a wetland of international significance under the Ramsar Convention.

Hunting is also prohibited in The Spit Nature Conservation Reserve and Avalon Coastal Reserve. The Spit Nature Conservation reserve includes the foreshore and Port Phillip Bay surrounding the Western Treatment Plant as well as Beacon Point, Kirk Point and The Sand Hummocks. http://www.gma.vic.gov.au/hunting/duck/where-to-hunt/wetland-closures

Responsible authorities - who to contact when

Should birdwatchers require further information or wish to report any suspected offences, please contact the following relevant authorities:

Game Management Authority (GMA) For more information about suspected offences related to the hunting of non-permitted bird species, irresponsible or illegal behaviour, phone 136 186 or preferably report online at gma.vic.gov.au/enforcement.

Parks Victoria For park related offences within The Spit Wildlife Reserve or Avalon Coastal Reserve please call 13 19 63

Victoria Police For suspected criminal offences please call 000.