Yan Yean Reservoir has significant history and an important purpose. Since 1857, the reservoir has supplied high-quality drinking water to Melbourne’s northern and central suburbs and it continues to be a place of biodiversity and cultural significance.
Yan Yean Reservoir Park is accessible to the public and is a valuable recreation space and a popular spot for walking and picnics. The reservoir and catchment land is currently closed to the public to protect water quality and its environmental, cultural and heritage values.
View Frequently Asked Questions (updated 7 December 2023)
What you told us
In April and May 2022 we asked you to share your thoughts about Yan Yean Reservoir, and your hopes for its future.

Your feedback has helped us to better understand what you value about Yan Yean Reservoir and your aspirations for its future use, as well as any concerns or considerations for additional features and activities.
Read a summary of the Phase 1 engagement results (updated 7 December 2023)
What's next?
We’ve been getting ready to develop a master plan for Yan Yean Reservoir, following our community engagement and cultural values study undertaken in 2022 and early 2023.
Preparing the master plan is also the first step to further assess community ideas. The master plan will help identify and prioritise those parts of the Reservoir that are suitable for broader community access and use, whilst allowing us to assess options against critical factors including water supply, environmental and cultural values and public safety, amongst others. That’s why it’s crucial that we take the time to thoughtfully consider how to approach the master plan.
Importantly, the current upgrades to the Yan Yean Water Treatment Plant must be fully complete before we can implement any potential changes to recreational and open space activities that may interact with our drinking water supply.
The release date for the draft master plan is still to be confirmed. Make sure to follow this project for updates and to stay up to date.
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Learn more about Yan Yean Reservoir
Click on the icons to learn more about Yan Yean's history and features, including close up photos and videos.