3 September 2024

Final concept design decisions

All sites

What we've done:

  • No additional bins have been provided. Concepts have retained a limited number of bins at some site entrances.

Why we've done this:

  • Bins located away from street access are problematic for Council service vehicles. Educational signage will encourage people to use bins at entrances or take rubbish away with them.
  • Melbourne Water and Council to explore increasing frequency for the litter maintenance program given more people are expected to visit the sites.

What we've done:

  • Lighting and security cameras have not been added.

Why we've done this:

  • Lighting has not been considered in these designs as it can disrupt biodiversity and conservation values, particularly for nocturnal species, and in consideration of construction and operational costs. However, Council and Melbourne Water to monitor visitation and re-evaluate in the future.
  • As per Merri-bek City Council’s CCTV policy, Council will not install permanent public safety CCTV systems.
  • Council may consider the use of public security CCTV systems in specific contexts for a given period, supported by a strong evidence base with clear objectives, time frames, whole-of-life financial costing and community consultation.
  • The concepts have considered design approaches that encourage passive surveillance and public privacy, rather than the installation of CCTV.

What we've done:

  • More seating has been added.

What we've done:

  • Water fountains have been added.

What we've done:

  • Melbourne Water to develop a safety plan with Council and introduce safety and educational signage.

Why we've done this:

  • Site specific approaches are required to address risk of drowning from flooding. To be developed following further site assessments and engagement with community.
  • Strategically added emergency evacuation paths based on water levels modelled from a flood risk assessment.

What we've done:

  • More signs included. Noting only signage locations have been confirmed. Content to be developed at later detailed design stage.

Box Forest Road

What we've done:

  • Fences have been removed in final concept designs.

Why we've done this:

  • Retaining fences to close the site will heighten risk of entrapment of public in sections of site during flood events.
  • Also the management and resourcing to lock the site up will be difficult, particularly if an flood event occurs during out of hours. Melbourne Water and Merri-bek Council to investigate further safety mitigation plans, risk of drownings, including education/signage and warning systems.

To be further worked through between Melbourne Water and surrounding household owners at later detailed design stage.

What we've done:

  • Toilets have not been added to the final concept plans.

Why we've done this:

  • Toilets are not proposed in the final concept plans as these locations are intended to serve the local community within walking distance to their homes.
  • There are public toilets provided by Council in the adjacent Martin Reserve and Rupert Wallace Reserve.
  • There’s also a limit on space at this site.

What we've done:

  • Outdoor gym has not been added.

Why we've done this:

  • A nature play space has been provided for children. Noting intention for site to provide a connection to nature, active recreation facilities have been provided at other sites including an outdoor gym at Jack Roper Reserve (CSL) retarding basin.

What we've done:

  • No separate fenced 'dog park' has been provided.
  • Dogs permitted on-leash but this will be further explored in future plans.

Why we've done this:

  • Neighbouring Martin Reserve is a dog off-leash alternative.
  • There is limited space to create isolated dog off-leash fenced area. Plus, for protection of flora and fauna.

What we've done:

  • Vegetation buffers around water bodies are included in concept designs, however limiting access to some sections may impede evacuation routes.

Why we've done this:

  • Native grasses to be strategically located along embankments, creating buffer areas around ponds and limited access to some areas.
  • This will provide protections to wildlife, however, for easy exit and operational maintenance (e.g. desilting) multiple paths and crossings are required for the community to evacuate during flooding.

What we've done:

  • There are paths to all surrounding streets and a proposed path through the cemetery (GMCT).

What we've done:

  • Picnic area included near nature play space but removed near McKerchar St, as per feedback regarding proximity to houses.

Campbellfield Creek

What we've done:

  • Site will remain dog-excluded.

Why we've done this:

  • This will minimise disturbance to existing habitat and wildlife. Furthermore, kangaroos are found at this site and so we have considered the possibility of kangaroo attacks on dogs and vice versa.
  • Dog parks are provided by Merri-bek City Council nearby at Martin Reserve, and they have plans for three more.

What we've done:

  • The decision has been made not to allow cycling within the basin.

Why we've done this:

  • Perimeter pathway is available and has been included for passive use, for a diverse range of pedestrian users. Allowing cyclists would pose a safety risk to pedestrians.
  • Provision of cycling infrastructure within the basin and along the perimeter requires further protections such as guard rails jeopardising the embankment's stability.
  • The site will link to the extended Upfield Shared Path, we encourage cyclists to leave their bikes locked at racks provided at the entrances/exits.

What we've done:

  • Site of vegetated area within basin has not been expanded, significant coverage already exists.

Why we've done this:

  • Extending the area of native grasses will reduce open space available for passive recreation activities, a significant area including the embankment is already covered in native grasses. Having isolated and disconnected lawn areas would make maintenance grass cutting operations more complex and costly.

What we've done:

  • Bird hide has been repositioned.

Why we've done this:

  • Bird hide has been positioned south facing, not into the direction of the sun.
  • Cannot move the bird hide onto the embankment, as requested, due to drainage embankment structural concerns. This will be further investigated during detailed design.

What we've done:

  • An indicative south-west connection into cemetery has been included.

Jack Roper Reserve (CSL)

What we've done:

  • Gate to be removed and replaced with bollards.

Why we've done this:

  • The use of motorised bikes is illegal and will continually be discouraged. However, gates can block other users such as prams and wheelchairs so will not be used as control measure. Merri-bek City Council is working with Victoria Police on this broader issue.

What we've done:

  • Bike racks have been added.

What we've done:

  • Unable to physically loop a path around the lake to link Jack Roper Reserve because of the restricted, steep and vegetated land confined by the Western Ring Road.

Why we've done this:

  • Secondary gravel paths have been added within the basin, providing a range of exploratory opportunities.

What we've done:

  • More trees and artificial shade included, including small shade shelter.

What we've done:

  • No change to concept designs.

Why we've done this:

  • Grates are needed to protect drainage outlet structures from blocking. Melbourne Water and Council to explore increasing frequency for the litter maintenance program given more people are expected to visit the sites.

What we've done:

  • Dogs permitted on-leash but this will be further explored in future plans.

Why we've done this:

  • Neighbouring Wallace Reserve is a dog off-leash alternative.