In August 2023, we asked how you currently use open space in Glenroy and the surrounding area, and the features and experiences you’d like to see. Read a summary of feedback in our phase one community engagement report.

In March 2024, we presented the draft concept designs (below) and you provided us with feedback. Read more in our phase two community engagement report.

We're currently working on finalising the designs for the Glenroy retarding basins and aim to share these with you in the second half of 2024.

Draft concept plans

Based on your ideas and feedback, the overall design approach aims to improve amenity and naturalise these spaces – providing opportunities to exercise, relax, socialise and connect with nature. We’ve collaborated on the designs with Merri-bek City Council and other stakeholders to put safety first, while preserving the basins’ overall ability to slow down floodwaters.

Explore the draft designs for each site below. You can expand the plans to view the details.

Box Forest Road

Box Forest Road retarding basin design concept

This concept proposes community open space and walking tracks next to a stormwater wetland, and an upgrade of the concrete channel into a naturalised creek.

Concept plan showing existing and proposed trees, pathways and facilities
Before: Box Forest Road basin in current state, showing a plain grassy area After: Artist's impression of new basin, with shared paths and picnic spaces

Key features include:

  • 300m of naturalised waterways and new wetland habitats
  • Approximately 1.2 kilometres of both sealed and gravel walking paths
  • Installation of a nature play space
  • Improved fencing and security gates around assets that pose risk to community
  • Installation of formal seating with bench seats, and view lines of the wetlands
  • Educational signage throughout the space
  • Connections to the surrounding landscape including the Northern Memorial Park
  • Wetland vegetation and canopy cover
  • Stepping stone crossing of the creek
  • Boardwalk crossing and resting area with views of the wetlands.

Campbellfield Creek

Campellfield Creek retarding basin draft concept

This concept opens up the space to the community via a walking loop trail with additional access points, gathering areas and infrastructure to immerse into the existing wetlands and learn about the ecosystem.

Concept plan showing existing and proposed trees, pathways and facilities
Before: Campbellfield Creek basin in current state, showing a drain flowing through a grassy area After: Artist's impression of new basin, with shared paths around the water

Key features include:

  • Over 1 kilometre of walking paths including crossing over Campbellfield Creek
  • Improved fencing and security gates
  • Installation of formal seating with bench seats
  • Installation of a bird hide
  • Educational signage throughout the space
  • Connections to the surrounding landscape, including the Northern Memorial Park and future Upfield Shared User Path extension, including access to bicycle racks
  • Wetland vegetation and canopy cover.

Jack Roper Reserve (CSL)

Jack Roper Reserve (CSL) retarding basin design concept

This concept enhances the existing open space including native planting, outdoor exercise equipment, a nature base playground, and a formalised pathway connection through the site to the adjacent Jack Roper Reserve.

Concept plan showing existing and proposed trees, pathways and facilities
Before: Jack Roper Reserve basin in current state, showing a path next to a grassy area with a water body. After: Artist's impression of new basin, with sporting equipment and shared paths.

Key features include:

  • A new north-south pedestrian walking path adjacent to the existing wetland pond
  • Installation of formal seating with bench seats and viewing areas over the wetland pond
  • Formalising an existing ‘desire line’ through the space with a new concrete pathway
  • Installation of a nature play space and outdoor gym
  • Educational signage throughout the space
  • Connections to the surrounding landscape, including the Northern Memorial Park and Western Ring Road Shared Path, including access to bicycle racks
  • Installation of security bollards
  • Wetland vegetation and canopy cover.

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