12 November 2024

The Urban Planning and Development Strategic Collaboration Group (UPD SCG) is a Melbourne Water sponsored group. The UPD SCG has been established to progress water-cycle related urban planning and development challenges within the provision of clean drinking water, treating sewage, planning to avoid or mitigate and manage flooding, and keeping Melbourne’s rivers, creeks and catchments healthy. It focuses on:

  • improving communication between member organisations, enabling improved working processes, collaboration and integrated outcomes.
  • facilitating closer collaboration among key stakeholders.
  • identification of – and where appropriate, responding to – significant water policy, strategy and implementation challenges and opportunities within the urban planning and development sector.

Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Casey and Melton Shire Councils are represented on the overarching UPD SCG and four dedicated Working Groups. The purpose of these meetings is to collaborate with Melbourne Water, state government and industry groups on measurable actions that improve policy and deliver outcomes.

We will provide progress of the UPD SCG and the four Working Groups in future news updates.