These panels are one way the community can take part in decisions on how flood mitigation options are assessed and then chosen.
Panel structure and membership
There will be three panels, each made up of a maximum of 20 members from across the Maribyrnong River Catchment.
The panels will meet at least three times over the course of the study (18 months) to seek input from the community on a specific topic.
The makeup of the panels aims to reflect the diverse perspectives, backgrounds and knowledge of the Maribyrnong River Catchment. Spaces for 5 individuals from community groups and organisations will be reserved across the Community Partnership Panels.
Terms of Reference
All panel members will need to agree to the Community Partnership Panel Terms of Reference as a condition of their membership.
This sets out the aims of the panels, including their scope, to help make sure all parties are working towards a collective objective.
Join a panel
In March, we’ll release an Expression of Interest via this webpage for community members interested in being a member of a panel.
To be notified when expressions of interest open, select the ‘follow’ button at the top of this page.