Your feedback and insights will be key to the success of the Maribyrnong River catchment flood mitigation study – a significant step towards protecting the area and ensuring the community is prepared for future floods.

The study investigates flood mitigation options that prioritise community safety and have the biggest impact on reducing flood risk. These could include:

  • traditional infrastructure such as levees, retarding basins and improved drainage 
  • innovative solutions such as wetlands and other nature-based solutions
  • water management strategies and projects 
  • flood-resilient building and design features.

The study started in early 2025 and is expected to finish by mid-2026.

Share what matters most to you

​More ways to get involved

There’ll be many more opportunities over the next 18 months to get involved in the study and provide your input. Starting in March we’ll be running more community engagement activities, both in person and online.
  • Community events

    Talk to us at in-person events and drop-in sessions around the Maribyrnong River area.

How your input and feedback will be used

Our engagement process seeks community feedback at every stage of the study, meaning your input will help shape crucial decisions as they are made.

Your feedback will help to:

  • identify potential flood mitigation options
  • develop the evaluation criteria and cost-benefit analysis to assess the mitigation options
  • review and narrow the mitigation ‘long-list’ of options into a ‘short-list’.

We will report back throughout the life of the study on how your feedback and contributions have been used.

Additionally, at each phase of engagement we’ll seek your feedback on the process itself, including your preferred communication methods and how we can improve activities. Your insights will inform how we engage with you during future phases of the study.

What’s next

To receive email updates on the study and future opportunities to get involved, select the ‘follow’ button at the top of this page.