28 February 2025

We heard from 217 people in total, both online and in person. Thank you to everyone who participated.

What we asked

What we heard

Who we heard from

Of the 217 people who completed the survey:

  • 95% (207 participants) were residents
    • 2 participants were also business owners
    • 3 participants were also part of community groups
  • 5% (10 participants) were not residents
    • 5 participants were business owners
    • 7 participants were also part of community groups

Who was impacted by the October 2022 flood

Of the 217 people who completed the survey, most experienced some form of impact from the October 2022 flood.

  • 47% (101 participants) were impacted
  • 40% (87 participants) were not impacted
  • 13% (29 participants) did not respond to the question.

The 101 participants impacted by the 2022 flood were affected in one or more of the following ways:

  • Flood waters entered my home or business

    46% (47 participants)

  • My garden was flooded

    31% (32 participants)

  • My street was flooded

    62% (63 participants)

Impacts of the new Maribyrnong River flood modelling

Of the 217 people who completed the survey:

  • 88% (190 participants) lived in an area or owned a property impacted by the new modelling
  • 11% (24 participants) lived in an area or owned a property not impacted by the new modelling
  • 1% (3 participants) did not respond.

Your ideas for flood mitigation options

We asked if there were any specific flood mitigation options participants would like to see assessed through the study.

We heard a wide range of suggestions and ideas, with the top 4 being:

  • Raised levees

    33% (72 responses) mentioned building, raising or extending levees and some suggested alternative flood walls, designed to protect residential and commercial properties.

  • Retarding basins and dams

    27% (58 responses) mentioned constructing or enhancing retarding basins or dams, like Arundel Retarding Basin.

  • Flemington Racecourse flood wall

    25% (54 responses) mentioned removing, modifying or reassessing the Flemington Racecourse flood wall.

  • Stormwater drainage

    22% (47 responses) mentioned stormwater drainage improvements, like one-way stormwater drains and drainage system upgrades for low-lying areas.

What’s next?

Your feedback will contribute to informing the ‘long-list’ of potential options, which will be assessed and refined through this study.

In the meantime, we’re now seeking to understand what’s important to you: the specific features that you value within your local environment and community.

Have your say

Your feedback and insights will be key to the success of the Maribyrnong River catchment flood mitigation study – a significant step towards protecting the area and ensuring the community is well prepared for future floods.